Meeting investor expectations begins with the completeness, accuracy and fair presentation of information in your financial statements and disclosures. Not only does your audit help assure compliance with applicable reporting standards, there are important additional value aspects of the audit process, such as the identification of internal management issues and insights that can help you address both present and future challenges.
At Bestar, we recognize that stakeholders require greater assurance and value from the audit. They rely on our work and insights, as trusted professional advisors, who bring rigor and appropriate perspectives that help informed decision-making.
Bestar has always been committed to upholding integrity while delivering high-quality services. Our teams deliver high-quality audits, providing value, and offering exceptional client service. Our professionals deliver efficient and cost effective audit solutions to you.
We approach your audit with a deep and broad understanding of your business, the industry expertise, and the latest regulatory standards.
Bestar’s relentless focus on quality, independence and transparency is - like all our services - designed to ensure compliance with professional standards. To enhance investor confidence, we strive to provide high-quality, independent financial statement audits.
We offer our audit opinions on financial statements prepared in accordance with a range of relevant Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), including those applicable in Hong Kong.
With our experience in local laws and regulations, we can assist you with the all-important obligation of meeting applicable reporting requirements. Our audit specialists examine your financial statements and accounting records to give you an independent opinion on reports to shareholders, directors, trustees and others.
We can also help you with:
Addressing regulatory reporting requirements
Advice on controls and processing system weaknesses
Advice on use of various accounting treatments for complex transactions
We strive to provide exceptional client service to every client, regardless of size, scope, structure or sector.
